Who am I? – Documenting Romanian Immigration to the US – RUF (romanianunitedfund.org)
In January 2021, HORA (Heritage Organization of Romanian Americans in MN) started working on the third project documenting Romanian Immigration in Minnesota. The current project’s goal is to explore the issue of identity with first and second-generation immigrants. The exploration is done through candid interviews between parents and their teenage or adult children about love, loss, career, trauma, hopes and dreams, and the ancestral “dor,” longing in English translation. These documentaries are the first to focus on Romanian Immigration to the United States. We hope our work encourages other organizations to start documenting Romanian immigration stories and preserve our cultural heritage.
The $15K will cover the costs for the documentary script, which is needed before applying for more grants in 2023 to complete the documentary. Your gift is an investment in preserving Romanian heritage in Minnesota and the US. Any amount will make a difference and will be highly appreciated.