Become a Member Today

Get Involved and make a difference!

  • Support quality activities that preserve, document and share Romanian traditions, culture, history and language in Minnesota.
  • Help sustain and share the Romanian heritage for generations to come.
  • Participate in annual members’ meetings and Board of Directors elections.

Membership Levels

Seniors & Students ($30)
Individual ($60)
Household ($100)

Choose the membership level that works for you

Once you view your cart, you will be able to customize quantities for each type of enrollment.
Payment options include PayPal, Venmo, and credit card.

Meet the HORA Board 2024

Why HORA membership is the right choice

The videos were completed by a team of three young and bright Romanian-Americans made up of Ayden Pana, Andrew Pana and Inara Zayic. The team led by Andrew Pana has interviewed, recorded and edited all the videos.

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